The whaling ship The Whaler is set on a meadow, a may morning. The main character, which name we do not know, meets an superannuated whaling ship. We push back a feeling of very idyllic surroundings; it feels as if we are there, on the meadow with implike grass and seasounds. The town just awakening and the sun is reaching its arms turn up from the covers of the skies. The main character, the preteen manful child, is a boy with a spacious imagination. He is hypnotised by the old whaling ship, who becomes some tell of an idol to the boy. He has already got a great companionship almost whaling and geography from books, and it is in addition in these books his imagination grows. He is kick back by the adventures from the strories he read and therefore pipe inhalation about whaling far, far away at the sea. The meeting with the whaler makes a huge impact on the young boy. A lot of things happen and the boy begins to transform from being a boy to being a man. Du ring the meeting the whaler shares a few cloak-and-daggers with the boy that effectively alters his stance of life and his heap of his hero, the whaler. The first dark is the one that shatters his respect of the whaler. The whaler tells that he has never seen a whale before. The truth strikes him as a hard fist in his stomach.
His belief is crushed and the whaler transforms into an ordinary man in his eyes, as ordinary as any other man in the town. A petty piece of the boy dies at this point. The second secret is that he has had an affair with the young boys school teacher, Eileen Early. This too makes a huge impact on the young boy; in fact, it makes a bigger impact whence t! he secret about the whales since it was the school teacher that made the boy get out God. How could she talk about God and religion and then do something like this? Thoughts like this are likely breathing out through his mind when he hears this from the whaler. The whaler also tells him about sex. When the young boy views the hillocks of the meadow, he sees whale humps, but the whaler sees something sort of different, he sees womens...If you want to get a full(a) essay, smart set it on our website:
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